
SEO for Website

When creating a website, you should try to make it beautiful, informative and user-friendly to make it easier for users to find information on your site, in addition, you need to optimise the site to improve the position of the site in search results. Search engine optimisation helps search engines to better navigate the site, to understand what your site is about, to analyse materials, and for users to find your site in search results.

Key recommendations

  • Post original, useful and trustworthy content on your site.
  • Select keywords that users can use to search for your content, and place these keywords in the page title, in the main header, and in various descriptions – alternative text for pictures.
  • Try to keep your site navigation open to search engine crawling so that Google’s robots can use them to find other pages on your site.
  • Register your site in search engines, industry directories, talk about your site on forums and social networks.
  • If your page contains besides text contains images, videos, then make it so that Google robots can index them.

How to help Google find your content

First, check if your site is indexed. You can do this after registering your site in Google Search Console or by using the site: search operator. If you see that your site is present in the search results, it means that it has been indexed, whether it is fully indexed or not can only be found out through Google Search Console.

Google first finds those pages that are linked to from other pages that have already been scanned. Make the main menu on the site so that from it you can get to the maximum number of important pages. Often links to your pages lead from other sites. Such links can naturally appear if users are interested in your content and share a link to it with other people. You can also help users find your content by promoting your site yourself.

You can also submit a Sitemap.xml file to Google Search Console Tools with all the important URLs of your website.

Site pages should look the same for both search engine robots and users.

When Google’s robot scans a page, it should perceive it in the same way as a normal user. You don’t want to hide text or push elements off the edge of the screen. If any of your site’s scripts (such as CSS and JavaScript) are hidden, Google can misread your pages, which can result in them not appearing in search results or worse, Google will simply drop them from the index.

If your website content is geo-targeted, check what information is available to Google’s location-based search robot.

Use descriptive URLs

Parts of a URL can be shown in search results as a navigation bar to make it easier for users to understand the site’s structure.

Google generates the navigation bar automatically based on the words contained in the URL, but you can specify these words using structured data. It is better to include keywords in the URL that may be useful to users, for example:


Make your site interesting and useful

The most reliable way to improve your site’s ranking in Search is to create content that is interesting and useful to users. The content itself must meet the following guidelines:

The text is easy to read and well structured. Present the topic in simple human language (without artificial intelligence) and make sure that the content has a logical structure and is free of spelling and grammatical errors. The text should contain sections and paragraphs that will help users navigate more easily.

The content must be unique. When you write about something, do not use other people’s content – either in whole or in part. Create articles based on your own knowledge on a particular topic. Do not try to rewrite in other words what has already been published in other sources.

The content should be relevant today; at the end of the article, indicate the name of the specialist or authoritative sources. From time to time, analyze the information you published earlier, make changes if necessary or delete if it is no longer relevant.

Put yourself in the shoes of the user of your website

Think about what keywords potential visitors should use to find your content. Try to mention the most frequently used search words in your article, this can increase your site’s position in Search.

Add images to your site and optimize them

Image search is the second most popular search option, users search through images and can click on an image to visit your site for the first time.
The images you add to your site should carry useful information, be of high quality and be equipped with additional text descriptions.

Use images that have enough contrast and clarity and place them next to the text to which they relate. Text next to the image will help Google and users relate the image to the text and give them additional context.

Alt text in an alt tag is a short but informative description that explains the relationship between the image and the text. It helps search engines understand what’s in the image and how it relates to the rest of the content on the page, so it’s important that alt text is meaningful.

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