
Priority of Responsive Design

The main goal of adaptive website layout is to display its pages equally conveniently both on a desktop PC and on mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets. Thus, there is no need to create a special mobile version of the design.


1. Smartphone as the main device:

The rise in the use of smartphones and tablets has changed the priority of website display. Responsive design ensures that a website easily adapts its design to any device.

2. Saving money:

You no longer need to spend money on developing and constantly editing several separate sites adapted for each specific type of device. It is enough to create one high-quality one with responsive design, which will be displayed equally well both on a desktop PC monitor and on the screen of a mobile device;

3. Mobile-First Indexing:

This is a new algorithm for indexing and ranking web pages in the Google search engine, which will primarily evaluate not the desktop, but the mobile version of the site.

4. Usability and user experience:

It is much easier and more convenient for the user to use the same interface on different devices than to adapt to something new every time.

5. Simplifying Analytics:

Based on the data obtained, you can generate a single analytical report for different types of devices, which simplifies the analysis and subsequent conclusions.


In conclusion, we note that the priority of adaptive design is not just a trend, but a necessity. The proliferation of new devices is changing the way we consume information, users have more choices, and companies now need to adapt to them, not the other way around. So, the future lies with new web development technologies, and, most importantly, react in time so as not to be left behind the line.

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