Web development

SEO Audit


Our SEO agency will conduct an SEO audit of your website. This analysis will evaluate various aspects including, errors, broken links, on-page optimization, technical SEO, content quality, and backlink quality. We will find your site’s strengths, identify areas for improvement, and provide practical recommendations designed to increase your website’s visibility in search engines. As a result of applying our recommendations in practice, you will get rid of possible errors on the site, your site will increase organic traffic, and your website will rise higher in search results.

1. Check for Indexing Issues
– Make sure all your pages are indexed correctly. If pages are not indexed, then they do not participate in the search.

2. Check for Duplicate Versions of Your Site
– Search engines see the following as separate versions of your site, which could dilute your SEO efforts: http://www.yoursite.com, http://yoursite.com, https://www.yoursite.com, and https://yoursite.com. Implementing the correct 301 redirects and canonical tags can mitigate this issue.

3. Site Crawl and Technical SEO
– We’ll check how search engines crawl your site to identify any issues that may be hindering the visibility of your pages. This includes identifying broken pages (e.g. pages returning a 5xx, 404 status code), redirection issues (e.g. circular redirects), HTTPS implementation errors, broken internal links, missing header tags.

4. Check for Mobile-Friendliness Issues
– As of July 1, 2019, Google is enabling mobile-first indexing for all domains. This system means that the search engine gives preference to mobile pages over desktop ones.

5. Analyze Your Site’s Speed
– Site speed is the most important ranking factor for search engines. Faster loading times lead to higher site rankings.

6. Analyze Your Core Web Vitals
– In 2020, Google introduced three new metrics related to page speed and user experience: Largest Contentful Paint (LCP), First Input Delay (FID), and Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS). These metrics are essential for understanding and improving your site’s performance.

7. Analyze Your Internal Links
– Internal links are very important for SEO as they help in site navigation, crawling efficiency and link distribution to important pages.

8. Analyze Your Outgoing External Links
– Having a large number of outgoing external links can negatively affect your site’s ranking. 

9. Analysis of the Quantity and Quality of Backlinks
– The quality of backlinks is determined by the authority of the linking resource, which is influenced by factors such as domain age, audience loyalty, and search engine compliance. High-quality backlinks are crucial for improving your site’s authority and ranking.

10. Website Content Analysis
– We analyze the quality of content, its relevance and value for the user.

Success stories from our clients

Online Furniture Retailer

SEO Audit Website Recommendations:
An SEO audit identified issues with slow page loading, incomplete product descriptions, and lack of mobile optimization. Recommendations included optimizing images to improve speed, expanding product descriptions with relevant keywords, and implementing responsive design.

Local Dental Practice

SEO Audit Website Recommendations:
The SEO audit identified issues with outdated and incomplete business information about services, missing regional and service offering pages, and slow loading times on the website. Recommendations included updating website information, creating region-specific service pages, and optimizing images and scripts for faster loading times.

Online Fashion Retailer

SEO Audit Website Recommendations:
An SEO audit revealed problems with duplicate content, slow loading of pages, and incorrect display of the site on mobile phones. Recommendations included removing duplicate duplicate pages, optimizing images for faster loading times, and changing the design to be mobile-friendly.
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